An Open Letter to Harrison Butker From a Father of Four Daughters


An Open Letter to Harrison Butker From a Father of Four Daughters

Whoever helped you screen your speech should be fired

Harrison Butker, thinking deep, manly thoughts. Photo from Theonewhoknowsnothingatall,

Oh, Harrison, Harrison, Harrison. We have much to talk about.

Before we get into this, I’ll pass on some info to you.

You should be thrilled with me. I married a woman! I went forth and multiplied. Four times, actually. My wife and I have been blessed with four daughters.

Sadly (to you, anyway), we’ve decided to let our girls choose what course of life they will lead. Our oldest will graduate from college next spring. You can be damn sure she can choose to enter the career world with her parents’ blessing.

Ditto for her three younger sisters who will be coming up right behind her.

You should also know that I was raised Catholic. (Obviously, not a quality Catholic in your eyes. You’re quite judgmental of your Catholic brethren, I’ve got to say.)

But, you know, Jesus didn’t just die for bearded kickers who insult large portions of the population with one speech. Even ones who insist on going to Latin mass.

He died for everyone, remember?

Alright, enough about me. Let’s get this train moving.

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